Turn Around Times (TATs)

Proportion of samples reported within target TAT

Year to date:  94.6%

Multi Gene Panels (NGS)

How long before I get the results?

*Typically 7-10 working days from the point we receive the sample.

Single Gene/Analyte Tests

How long before I get the results?

*Typically 5-6 working days for standard (BRAF, & MLH1) and 2 days for rapid turn-around tests (BRAF, EGFR, MSI & CRC Screen) from the point we receive the sample.

*We try extremely hard to turn round all analyses as quickly as possible, and the information included on this pages shows in real time how we are doing in relation to our set targets. However, sometimes factors beyond our control mean that a small proportion of tests need to be repeated (shown as a separate statistic in the data below) or that additional information and/or material is required before the analysis can commence. Such samples will always be reported as quickly as possible but despite our best efforts may exceed target turn round.

Additionally, some samples may not meet the minimum requirements to be eligible for analysis, meaning that unfortunately they will have to be returned untested. To minimise the risk of this, please take a look at our sample requirements.

Latest Complete Month – June

Overall Turn-around Times for June:

Within target TAT: 93.1% (Excluding Repeats: 94.1%)

Computer Screen with statistics

Multi Gene Panels


Mean (days)9 (Excluding Repeats: 8.9)
Within target TAT: 92.4% (Excluding Repeats: 93.9%)


Mean (days)8.5 (Excluding Repeats: 8.5)
Within target TAT: 90.9% (Excluding Repeats: 90.9%)


Mean (days) (Excluding Repeats: 0)
Within target TAT: % (Excluding Repeats: 0%)

Single Gene Tests

Standard Turn-around BRAF

Mean (days)4.8 (Excluding Repeats: )
Within target TAT: 100% (Excluding Repeats: %)

Rapid Service

Rapid Turn-around BRAF

Mean (days)2
Within target TAT: 100%

Rapid Turn-around Colorectal screen

Mean (days)2.1
Within target TAT: 85.7%

Rapid Turn-around EGFR screen

Mean (days)3
Within target TAT: 33.3%


Mean (days)3.4
Within target TAT: 100%


Mean (days)1
Within target TAT: 100%


Mean (days)5.6
Within target TAT: 100%

Summary Turn-around Time data 2024 year to date

Mean (days)8.7 (Excluding Repeats: 8.5)
Within target TAT: 94.6% (Excluding Repeats: 92.8%)

Multi Gene Panels


Mean (days)8.6 (Excluding Repeats: 8.5)
Within target TAT: 94.3% (Excluding Repeats: 95.9%)


Mean (days)8.7 (Excluding Repeats: 8.7)
Within target TAT: 90% (Excluding Repeats: 89.7%)


Mean (days)8.8 (Excluding Repeats: 8.3)
Within target TAT: 92.7% (Excluding Repeats: 100%)

Single Gene Tests

Standard Turn-around BRAF

Mean (days)4.9 (Excluding Repeats: )
Within target TAT: 97.3% (Excluding Repeats: %)

Rapid Service

Rapid Turn-around BRAF

Mean (days)1.9
Within target TAT:96.7%

Rapid Turn-around Colorectal

Mean (days)2.1
Within target TAT:89.7%

Rapid Turn-around EGFR

Mean (days)2
Within target TAT:83.3%


Mean (days)3.3
Within target TAT: 100%


Mean (days)1.7
Within target TAT: 100%


Mean (days)5.4
Within target TAT: 98.6%